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Visualizing Art In Your Home… Digitally

December 17, 2010

Sometimes you come across a piece of art and just know you have to have it. You may not have a place for it but you know you’ll find one. Other times you go looking for artwork for a specific space in your home. Lately I’ve been in the latter category looking for a third mid-sized piece for the exposed brick wall in my living room. Groupings are hard, especially with bigger work and although I like the current look, I plan to swap out the small piece on the bottom left with a (larger) photograph. To visualize how the wall would look and help me choose a piece, I digitally framed the potential photographs here like so…

…and photoshopped them onto the wall. Any guesses which one I chose?

1. Grey Waves by Karen Iwachow


2. Fog and Ice by Stanislav Ginzburg


3. Baby Deer by Sharon Montrose


4. Owl by Sharon Montrose


Other artwork shown are Stacked Upon by Jaclyn Mednicov and Pores by Anastasia Ugorskaya.

From → Living w/ Art

  1. They are all so lovely- maybe 2? I wish we had a small tv, so I could balance it out with art… but alas, my husband bought an utterly massive black rectangle for our wall. My only ideas are to paint the whole wall darker so it blends in, or hang some sort of tapestry in front of it that can be pulled up like a roman blind? Maybe I could just make some giant Ad Reinhardt-esque black paintings to go around it, haha.

  2. alv permalink

    I’d go with 2. I think 1 recedes too much and 3 and 4 compete too much. Nice trick.

  3. Kate permalink

    I like #2 a lot as well… but I’m not going to say which I chose for a day or two. ; )

  4. Kate permalink

    danna, i’m lucky that i’m the only tv watcher in our household so i got to decide what tv we own. i once saw someone selling tv covers on etsy… a fabric thing that actually fits over the tv and has some kind of design on the front. if you’re good with a sewing machine you could even try to make one yourself??? my only other suggestion is to try to put the tv in a place where it’s not the *only* focal point… yes, like a giant painting to distract from it! ; )

  5. Hi, just found your blog and I love it!!
    About the art, I like #1. It feels like the best balance.

  6. Kate,
    I’m really flattered to be among the possible choices for your wall. Also, thanks to everyone who ‘voted’ for my #2 piece!

  7. They are all so lovely- maybe 2? I wish we had a small tv, so I could balance it out with art… but alas, my husband bought an utterly massive black rectangle for our wall. My only ideas are to paint the whole wall darker so it blends in, or hang some sort of tapestry in front of it that can be pulled up like a roman blind? Maybe I could just make some giant Ad Reinhardt-esque black paintings to go around it, haha.

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